Which is better? Solar energy savings in Hartford, CT or Reno, NV?
Because of our high utility rates, solar installed in New England can be more beneficial than in the sunny Western US. For example, although Hartford, Connecticut has 30% less sunshine each year compared to Reno, Nevada, Reno’s electricity cost is 45% less than that in Connecticut.
See calculations below for the output of a 10 kW solar system in Hartford, CT vs. Reno, NV… Which geographic location has the greater savings after one year?
Hartford, CT
Reno, NV
Cost Per kWh
Cost Per kWh
Solar Output (10kW System)
Solar Output (10kW System)
1 Year Savings
1 Year Savings
Most New England States have also embraced “Net Metering” which allows the overproduction of solar-generated electricity during the summer months to build up credit for our snowy winter months which also have shorter hours of sunlight each day.
For Northeast Smart Energy’s customers we make conservative electricity projections, including snow days, insuring the benefits we project will be reached. Solar panels also operate more efficiently in our cooler summer weather, which means more power with the same level of sunlight than hotter climates, not less. Solar energy systems keep on working on cloudy days also, collecting scattered light and focusing it into power.
Given the history of rate increases by utilities of 3% per year, it’s prudent to get started now! Stop energy cost inflation by generating your own.
Helping the climate is another huge benefit of adding solar to your home or business. According to Google’s Project Sunroof, if the “acceptable for solar” roofs in Connecticut alone installed solar they would save 5.4 million metric tons of CO2 each year. See equivalents below in terms of passenger cars and tree seedlings:
Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide
Passenger Cars Taken Off The Road
Tree Seedlings Grown For 10 Years
New England's total is over 3x the results for Connecticut at 17.8 million metric tons saved per year!